Vision: Create a thriving community in Georgian Bay that offers modern living and four-seasons recreation while boosting the local economy.
Georgian Sands is a multi-phase development located minutes away from Wasaga Beach on the shores of Georgian Bay. Designed with the goal of becoming one of Georgian Bay’s most coveted communities, the development offers townhouse and single-family homes, as well as multiple parks, playgrounds, community areas, shopping centres and a full-sized golf course. The surrounding area offers four-seasons recreation, including the beach, kayaking, boating, hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing and snowmobiling. The local economy offers shops, restaurants, farmer’s markets and country fairs.
A five-minute drive to the main strip of Wasaga Beach, the Georgian Sands commercial component will include four buildings, ranging in size from 495 to 1,343 square meters. Commercial tenants will include restaurants, dry cleaners and convenience stores to service Georgian Sands residents and the greater Wasaga Beach community. Construction is anticipated to begin during Phase 3.
ELM saw an opportunity to develop an unused and underdeveloped space in a high-potential part of Georgian Bay. Offering new living spaces and increasing density in the area will boost and expand the community as a whole year round in an area that typically relies on seasonal tourism. The local economy, educational institutions, government offices and public works will all benefit. A well-planned and executed development of this size will also add value to the established existing communities.